More people are planning their own final services ahead of time with the professionals at funeral homes, but if you are considering doing that for yourself, it’s something you haven’t done before. You likely have a lot of questions about the process, and that’s okay. This is a personal, important thing to plan ahead. It’s a good idea to ask whatever questions you have so you are able to move forward with confidence. Here are some of the questions you might have that can help you to move forward in the right direction.
There are different timing levels on needs for your funeral home plans. Pre-need is when you plan your own services ahead of time, before you need them. Imminent need is planning your services ahead when you know you are going to need the plans soon, like if you have a fatal illness or are aging and starting to feel your energy fade. At-need is planning when the services are actually needed right away, otherwise known as, after you pass on. When you plan ahead, it will be pre-need or imminent need. Most people prefer planning at the pre-need level so they have as much time as they want to make the plans without any pressure.
There are no right or wrong reasons to plan ahead. You can plan even if you are young and healthy and see no need for the plans any time soon. One of the facts of life is that you never know when you are going to pass on. It’s a good idea to plan ahead whenever you feel that you know what you want. If you aren’t sure, you can always start to check out the options and think on that matter. Everyone is going to need a final service at some point, so planning ahead is something everyone can do at any time.
If you are thinking about planning your final services ahead of time, having a consultation with a funeral home can be a good idea. You can learn about the funeral home and how they operate, and you can also get details on service options so you are able to make the right decisions for yourself. This is a good chance to get to know the funeral director and get a feel for how they would treat your family members in the future when your plans take action. You can also ask any questions you have so you can move forward with confidence.
That’s completely up to you. If you want to remove the cost burden from your family, and get today’s prices, paying ahead can take place when the plans are in place. Or, they can be left for your family later, or you can save towards them yourself.
Funeral homes understand that circumstances change over time and plans can be transferred from one company to another if you were to move in the future.